
Urban and Regional Planning

Government and Public Administration

  • Average Salary

    RM2629 - RM 5681

  • Career Trends


  • Compability

What is Urban and Regional Planning?

Develop comprehensive plans and programs for land use and physical facilities of jurisdictions, such as cities, districts and metropolitan areas.

Minimum education level







Average Salary

RM2629 - RM 5681

Example of a Job Position

City Planner
Community Development Director
Community Development Planner
Housing Development Specialist
Housing Grant Analyst
Neighborhood Planner
Planning Director
Regional Planner
Urban Design Consultant


? Hold public meetings with government officials, social scientists, lawyers, developers, communities and special interest groups to formulate, develop and raise issues regarding land use and community planning ? Design, promote, and manage government plans or policies that affect land use, zoning, public utilities, community facilities, housing, and transportation ? Advise planning officials in project feasibility, cost effectiveness, compliance with regulations, and possible alternatives ? Recommend approval, rejection and conditional approval from the proposal ? Discuss with planning officials about the objectives of land use projects, such as transportation, conservation, housing, commercial, industrial, or those used by the community


Communication and Media

Knowledge of media production, communication, and techniques and methods of dissemination. Includes alternative ways to inform and entertain through writing, verbal, and visual media.

Administration and Management

Knowledge of business and management principles including strategic planning, resource allocation, human resource modeling, leadership techniques, production methods, and coordination between people and resources.


Knowledge of the structure and content of English, including the meaning and spelling of each word, composition rules, and grammar.

Law and Governance

Knowledge of laws, legal rules, court procedures, precedents, government regulations, executive orders, institutional rules, and democratic political processes.


Knowledge of principles and methods in explaining land, sea and air mass features, including their physical characteristics, location, reciprocal relationships, and distribution of plant, animal and human life.



Talk to others to convey information effectively

Critical Thinking

Using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions, or approaches to the problems handled

Consideration and Decision Making

Consider the shortcomings and advantages of potential action choices to choose the most appropriate action.

Reading Understanding

Understand sentences and paragraphs written in work documents.


  • 1

    Oral Comprehension - The ability to listen to and understand information and ideas presented through spoken words and sentences

  • 2

    Written Comprehension - The ability to read and understand information and ideas presented in writing